Inklings: a tumblelog

Lazy load embedded YouTube videos

This looks like an interesting approach to speeding up the rendering of pages on this site. The primary source of slowdown on this site is YouTube embeds. Now that I’ve fixed YouTube’s embed sizing issues here, I want to finish things off by replacing them with façades such as this. I’ll experiment with this, and if it doesn’t seem to do what I want, I’ll try something with <div> elements and some Javascript.

A simple universal 800×600 VGA signal generation circuit

Just curious as to what would be involved in generating a VGA (though 800×600 is actually SVGA) signal.

I was reading up on the Motorola 6845 CRTC to see how you’d drive a display. That only tells you what you should be rendering at any given moment, and between the VGA signal generation circuitry and the 6845 (though a HD6445 CRTC-II might be more appropriate), you’d need a bit of glue logic to take the output of the CRTC, look up the character and palette data, then translate that to pixel data based on a character and palette ROM lookup.

All this is way beyond me right now though! Still, at some point, building something like that (maybe some kind of VGA terminal) might be a fun exercise when I’ve some kind of actual competency in this stuff.

Retro Sound Chip With an Arduino: the SAA1099

There looks to be an error in the description, as the common part of an audio jack should go to GND, not +5V.

Anyhoo, I don’t know enough about this stuff. I should really get a breadboard and experiment.

Codebase 64

This wiki is the number one source of articles on Commodore 64 programming. You will find source code, tutorials, manuals, notes on clever tricks and hardware quirks and more!

Linkers and Loaders

These are the uncorrected manuscript chapters for my Linkers and Loaders, published by Morgan-Kaufman.

Fitting a FORTH in 512 bytes

Also see sectorforth.

Designing a simple ADSR(-ish) envelope generator from scratch

Racing the beam explained: Atari 2600 CPU vs CRT television


htmx allows you to access AJAX, CSS Transitions, WebSockets and Server Sent Events directly in HTML, using attributes, so you can build modern user interfaces with the simplicity and power of hypertext